Class Offerings Spring 🌱 2024

Creating opportunity to bring awareness, mindfulness, awe and joy through breath and movement.

Classes are weekly consistent. Signups released each Saturday for upcoming week.

Movement with breath, linking a flow sequence. With a thoughtful progression, our joints will warm up and work forward in enhancing healthy range of motion and strength through a combination of holding and flowing in and through postures. You’ll create beautiful life giving energy through your body leaving you feeling not only physically awake but better balanced mentally and emotionally to springboard the rest of your day/evening. Classes begin with a gentle arrival, warmup and end with restorative poses and savasana. (60 min)

Flow Tuesdays 6:00p

Gentle Yoga Movement Thursdays 9:15a

Alignment based slower movement practice with some flow and restorative poses. When we slow down, we discover refinement and nuance both in our postures (asana) and in slowing down the transitions between them. When we move more quickly we can create momentum and sometimes loose connection. Momentum absolutely has a place in the practice, just not necessarily all the time. (60 min)

Gentle Yoga is an alignment based class where we explore basic postures and breath, common transitions between postures in a slow methodical way in order to gain control and refine movement. (60 min)

Gentle Yoga Thursdays 6p

Saturday Morning Wake Up Flow Saturdays 8:50a

If you enjoy the physicality of yoga and a good morning workout, this class is so your class. We’ll fuse a bit of fitness into all the good yoga. We’ll enhance body awareness, mobility and get strong. This class is similar to Yoga Flow, but sometimes we get a wee more physical, cuz it’s Saturday and we’re all about celebrating the beginning of the weekend! (60 min)

Yin/Restorative Yoga 5p

1st & 3rd Sunday evenings/month. (May be adjusted for holidays & bonus classes added.)

This class is all about release. The use of props such as blocks, blankets, straps help support our bodies for gentle stretching and letting go. Yin yoga aids our bodies and minds to release tension and stress. Postures are typically held longer, targeting the deeper connective tissues between the muscles and joints. Our posture holds and slow transitions in and out of poses help provide pain relief, improve joint circulation and flexibility and help us slow our often frantic busy pace of modern life. This class helps support and regulate the central nervous system effecting all other body systems to rest and restore. (60 min)

Beginners Workshop

4 - Class Series

It takes courage to be a beginner and the older we get, the more uncomfortable it can feel to be one, and that’s ok. Yoga is not only for bendy bodies and calm minded people. Yoga is a practice accessible for most bodies. (I’m not particularly bendy and hardly ever calm-minded.) 😉 Together, we will explore common yoga poses, simple transitions between then, modification and pranayama breath work.

This course will be offered again in 2024.


  • Our studio floors are cleaned before each class and common surfaces cleaned and disinfected.

  • Studio is equipped with heating, air conditioning and air filtration to help maintain a comfortable practice space. It can be helpful to layer your clothing for class warmup and cool down. For eveyones’s safety, studio door will be locked once class begins.

  • If you own your own mat, please bring it to class. If you forget yours, we have studio mats available. Studio provides blocks, straps and blankets to use during class. If you prefer using your own props, please feel free to bring them.

  • In the event a class you’ve already signed up for needs to be canceled, you’ll receive notification as soon as is possible via email and/or text. We mostly follow LOSD in the case of inclement weather. Website (class signup form) will reflect schedule changes.

  • Private consulting is available. Please contact me for rates.

What happens on the mat that leaves you better?

How is it that you can experience a mat moment, gladness and appreciation, the awareness of feeling a feeling and still able to hold forward to what has yet to transpire? When we create an environment of time and space, joy can pull up a seat. She’d like to stay and hold hands and walk together into our next thing. We call it a practice. It’s not just making shapes with our bodies for within the shapes, within the movement of our breath, we are making space for joy.

When we meet on our mats together, our classes in community, joy pulls up a seat.

~ with love, Jill

“Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them."

- Matthew 18:20

Wake up anticipating good things to happen each and every morning for each and every day. And then pay attention.

Wake up a little earlier than you “need” to. Sit in quiet. Pray. 

Connect to simple morning rituals and be grateful you get to walk without help, shower without help and dress. 

Make coffee or tea and enjoy the ritual and privilege of it. 


Call a friend.

Walk in the outdoors.

Move your body. Move your spine.

Breathe fully in and breathe fully out.

All hard things pass. God is still pursuing us.

~ with love, Jill

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Whispers from Willow.